Officers installation held on 8 May 2024 at VFW Post 2669.

Todd Gruchalla

Ted Streete

Joe Bilyeu

Sabino -Sal- Chavez

Lou DuFresne

Walt Harvey

Kim May

TJ Allen

Steve Loree

Ted Streete

Ron “Pops” Bujok

Steve Loree

Rudy Pacheco

Drew Olsen

Ron Swanson
District 4 Officers and Appointees
Commander Joe Wright
Senior Vice Commander Joe Bilyeu
Junior Vice Commander Jacob Bauer
Judge Advocate Walt Harvey
Surgeon John Gifford
Quartermaster Mike Nellums
Chaplain Kim May
1 Year Trustee Dave Peterson
2 Year Trustee Louis Dufresne
3 Year Trustee Gary Heitmann
Appointed Positions
Chief of Staff Larry Rucker
Adjutant Fred Green
Inspector Dan Bujok
Asst .Inspector Rich Nugent
Service Officer Todd Gruchalla
Asst. Service officer Jacob Stanley
Kava Dist. Rep Gerald Biltoft
Department of Washington Officers
Visit the Department Website
National VFW Officers
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